Government Solar Rebate

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Go green and get a government rebate

State, territory and Federal governments are committing themselves to renewable energy targets. To reach these targets, they offer rebates to consumers and businesses willing to upgrade from traditional, coal-fired electricity sources to sustainable and green energy such as solar power.
Government rebates on power supply conversion helps ease the transition to green energy. It reduces the overall starting cost of purchasing a solar power system. Sun Select is experts in finding government offers and rebates on renewable and clean energy. We help each of our customers maximise the rebates and credits they’re eligible to earn when deciding to go solar.
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Are you looking for solar for a residential or commercial property?
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Did you know solar power can not only save you money but make you money?

Rebates for the Initial Investment
The rebates offered to solar power users come from both the Federal and State governments. Solar power users will receive an up-front rebate for their initial solar power system purchase. They will also collect a monthly rebate based on the amount of energy they are saving each month.
When you pay for the initial system and its installation you will receive STC’s or Small Energy Credits. These credits were formerly known as REC’s or Renewable Energy Credits. Your total rebate is calculated as 1 STC for every megawatt your system is estimated to yield for the next 12 years.
A 6-8 panel solar power system typically generates about 1.5 kilowatts. Over 12 years, this comes out to about 31 megawatts of power. That means you receive 31 STC’s. Depending on the size of the solar power system you require, you could receive even more rebate credits.
Credit from Your Electricity Provider
Solar power is a great way to supplement or replace your existing electrical power. The sun and your solar power system will provide you with free energy that can reduce or completely get rid of your power bill. That’s free power for you.
In addition to saving money, you could also be earning money from your electricity provider. For all the surplus energy your solar power system generates and sends back into the power grid, your electricity provide will credit you for it. The state government may also credit you for this monthly energy surplus.
So what are you waiting for? You could be saving money, making money and enjoying a clean, efficient solar power system in just days.


01NETCC Approved Seller
02Local Stock - Local Warranties
03Fast & Professional Installation
04Specialised in Solar Installation
05SAA Accredited Solar Installers
0660 Month Full System Warranty
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Time to Install Solar Panels Up on the Roof

Are you looking for Solar panels for your house? Well, it would be the best decision to make. Sunselect is a leading solar company that offers quick and easy solar panel installation that helps to reduce your electricity cost to a great extent and provides a better return on your hard-earned money.
We have a team of solar installers who are accredited by the Clean Energy Council with years of experience in solar installations. Solar systems generate solar power, which helps the environment by generating clean solar energy and pollution-free energy compared to traditional energy sources like coal—Opt-in for Sun Select heavy-duty solar equipment at affordable prices. Save electricity and avail the solar rebates- save nature and go green.

Plus we have access to all of the top
Solar brands in Australia so you
know you'll get the best solution.

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